This is my website plese donate if you so feel, please only donate out of the kindness of your heart to help me get up and running, I am currently typing this unsure if I will be able to get my website up and running. All money will go to either my account that I will pay for to get the server space for my website, or for hostings fees. I taught myself all this code and if you are seeing this also managed to get it up and running. I would be glad to help you with your problems or direct you to a site that can if I am unsure. Thank you for reading!
This is my blog that I will keep semi updated as time goes on so yeah :D this is where you will see more relaxed and slang writing. 1/22/14 Entry 1
About Me
This is where I will write about me, unlike bloging this will be more like a draw mylife area. Expect constant renovations to this area like comments and social media ect.
Please stay with me as I add more ways to donate